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Joseph C. Chiang

Software Engineer / Game Designer

tel: (610)864-0287

Work Experience


Microsoft Full-Stack Software Engineer, Vetting Service, CSEO

- The team focus on web services to detect and prevent corruption or fraud business entities.

- Developed Azure-based infrastructure for audit trail within team’s web services, providing information and acknowledging business input for non-tech users.


Software Development Engineer, SCOT Topline Forecasting

- The team focus on predicting Company's global retail performances within next 5 years and provide a guidance to company's finance teams and buying teams using different forecast models. 

- Utilized Docker, AWS CloudFormation, AWS ECS, AWS Batch, AWS S3, AWS Athena to develop an end-to-end, fully automated solution for Member Forecast.

- Designed data schema and publication interfaces for the model, and developed code pipeline for code and testing packages.

- Worked with Economists, Data Scientists, and Data Engineers in the team and delivered products.

- Familiar with Agile and Scrum development cycle, and Kanban board.

- Experience with TDD and OOP.


Universal Creative

Software Engineer Intern

- Automated project specs generating system, using python and user friendly UI.

- Simulated ride experience using Unity 3D with HTC Vive VR headset.


Carnegie Mellon University
Teaching Assistant (Programming and Web)
- Arranged programming workshops for Unity3D and multiple platforms.
- Managed wrappers, dlls for platforms like Kinect, PS Move in order to use them in Unity3D.

Loot Interactive
Software Engineer Intern
- Worked on Electronic Super Joy for Xbox as project leader, for PS4 as system programmer.
- Implemented achievement, leaderboard, save/load, cross platform systems on Xbox One and PS4.
- Optimized gameplay functionality and shaders, ensured FPS is higher than 60.

DJ Health Union Systems Corporation
Assistant Engineer
- Project leader of hospital management KPI system’s development based on Java.
- Designed system structure, defined searching functions based on SQL and Java.



Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
Master of Entertainment Technology (ETC) (GPA: 3.80)

National Taiwan University (NTU)
Bachelor of Computer Science (GPA: 3.66)


Academic Project

Game Developer, CMU ETC
- Developed games that evoke player emotions based on game mechanics and design.
- Conceptualized innovative ideas in gameplay to evoke certain emotion from player in weekly rotations.
- Implemented one game every week individually.


Gameplay Programmer / Producer, CMU ETC
- Integrated Organic Motion Marker-less Motion Capture system with wireless Oculus Rift and Gear VR
- Managed project’s progression, client meetings and weekly tasks distribution.
- Worked under Scrum framework (one-week sprints) and Unity Assets Server (version control)
- Developed a rhythm game with Motion Capture based on Unity. Implemented gameplay system.

Building Virtual Worlds
Programmer / Game Designer, CMU ETC
- Developed 5 different games with randomly assigned teams in 1-3 weeks rotations.
- Used Unity3D and C# to build games on Kinect, Oculus, Leap Motion, and Makey Makey.

Interactive System for Relaxation Project
Programmer, NTU Image and Mobile Lab
- Used C++ and Kinect to develop data calculation system analyzing human’s relaxation level.
- Provided data search system and data collection system by C++ and Java.

Restaurant Recommendation System
Programmer, NTU Computer System Lab
- Designed a progressed learning recommendation algorithm for the application.
- Obtained Android application development experience based on Java.


Personal Project

Tools programmer/ Producer
- Implemented a cross-platform PC game by Unity and C# within 48 hours and under theming
restriction for Global Game Jam 2015


Honors & Award

Winner - Microsoft Student GameOn Contest
Programmer, Team Baby Baby Baby OHHHHHH!!!
- A Kinect-based Unity3D-built game to protect the baby from getting injuries from threats near her.
- Implemented physical interactions, gameplay pipeline and lives/replay system.

Semifinalist - Disney Imagineering Competition
Imagineer, Team Illusionists

- Designed a transportation system that utilizes capsules with Tokyo’s public metro system

May. 2019 - Present

(Redmond, WA)

Jul. 2016 - May. 2019

(Seattle, WA)

Jan. 2016 - May 2016

(Orlando, FL)

Aug. 2015 - Dec. 2015

(Pittsburgh, PA)

May 2015 - Aug. 2015

(Culver City, CA)

Jul. 2012 - Jul. 2013

(Shanghai, China)

Aug. 2014 - May 2016

(Pittsburgh, PA)

Sep. 2009 - Jun. 2013

(Taipei, Taiwan)

Aug. 2015- December. 2015

Jan. 2015- May 2015

Aug. 2014 - Dec. 2014

Sep. 2012 - Jun. 2013

Feb. 2012 - Jun. 2012

Jan. 2015

Feb. 2015

Jan. 2015







Unix Shell





Oculus Rift
XBox One
Play Station 4
Play Station Vita
Play Station Move
Makey Makey
Organic Motion Capture




Unity 3D
Visual Studio
RPG Maker
Tortoise SVN



Relevant Coursework

Web Development
Building Virtual Worlds
Computer Graphics

Artificial Intelligence
Software Engineering
Virtual Reality
Digital Visual Effects
Data Structure
Database System
Computer Structure
System Programming
Game Theory
Digital Image Processing


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